Friday, June 03, 2005
i'll be damn...

k, i say again. I'll be damn!... haiz. i have to survive now for 3 days for not able to get in touch with Arfah. argh. no calls. no message. no meetin. nothing. she's havin her camp. i know it is juz for 3 days. but to me, 3 days seems like 3 weeks. really. lost track of the exact time when i'm missin her. haiz. hope she'll be fine there...

hmm, now guess wat. i'm actuali late for my class. and dat is DnT class. it starts at 8.30am and im still sittin down, writin dis entry with no sense of urgency. damn. wat m i doin sia?haha. worse, i still have yet to get butt to the toilet and bath. haha. the duration for me to get to school wud be like 45mins. and i'll be ready bout 20mins time. and all dat takes me for bout an hour plus. damn. the time on my clock now shows it's 8.21. prolly reachin there ard 10. hah. and im bloody sure i'll get a shoutin from dat 'bloated stomach bulldog'. damn. i hate his voice. and talkin bout his voice, i dun tink he has reach to his puberty stage. hahahaha. k. im criticizing. stop dat...

k, i gona go bath.



11:28 PM
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