Friday, June 17, 2005
i whupped my ass off....

so, someone have turned 15 at last but i still have yet to celebrate with her. ystdy, it was arfah's b'day! haha.. did smtg dat she never even expect it. well, it didn't leali goes the way i had planned. but, im glad she liked it. anw, arfah, at d park thingy, datz onli the beginnin of me celebratin ur b'day. so, im still plannin out the date we'll be out. haiz... the date we actuali planned falls on the same date she'll b havin her trainin. damn it...
k. so, today, dnt as usual. but, during our break time, we went to illah's crib. chilled and watched a movie. den, the boys was den lazy to continue the day to dnt again. so, we decided to cabut. haha. the teacher didnt even saw us. we did our parkour into actions. and we made it! hah. den, go lepak2 and den, decided to parkour. we parkour for 2 and a half hours. damn it was great. and, while parkour, a grp of children did the same thing. and, me and the boys den decided to teach them some moves. whoa. it's like the first time i ever had students for me to teach all bout parkour. ahakz! it was great. they like all the stunts. hah..
after dat, mane lagi... balek kampong ah! haha... i mean, go home. and, prolly, goin to parkour again later. yazid will be joinin. we'll be doin the things to parkour at SENGKANG!! haha... k..
it's all dat shits i wanna write about today. and now, im done...
so, im out...
>>>>loves her so much... have i told y'all dat?... haha...

10:47 AM
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